Tuesday 2 June 2009

Work Victoria Beckham

Check this equation:

Rihanna- Even More Talent + English Accents- World wide fame X 5= The Saturdays.
The Saturdays are like five little Rihannas, you have the Irish one, the dumb blonde, the one who your old brother wants to bone, the mixraced one and the sexy chubby one. However, although these bitches have less recognisable talents that Cassie and Brooke Holgan put together, they are pop at its best. Their new video is Work is FIRE! and they really push the boundaries on awkward provocative posing and air punching, you go girls!
For those of you who are unfamiliar, GET familiar because these girls are coming to a miniscule venue near you, with their universally infectious pop sound, model-esque good looks and wholesome vapidity they are sure to win the hearts of people all around the world:

In other news, I think i should take the time out to talk about someone whom we havent seen in a long time, Vicky B-Mama Becks, Victoria Beckham.
Now I have always like the Beckhams and find their unsubtle marketing ploys really cute, especially Victoria's, but for some reason something about Victoria doesnt sit right with me. Heres what it is:

Victoria Beckham behaves as though shes a celebrity whose done something wrong and feels the need to redeem herself by acting up in faux documentaries like that one on ITV some time ago. Vicky baby, you've done nothing wrong so you dont need to try so hard. Victoria is smart though, bitch had a plan like HilClin, no way was she going to let some slutty groupie run her marriage and chances of becoming more famous which is Victoria did not leave David. She knew he was her ticket from the pits of D-list to the heights of the A-list because as soon as everyone noticed that she had the voice of a tone-deaf angel she really had nothing else to offer except various staged photo oppurtunities.
I also believe that although Papa Beckham is one of the best looking men in the world, he has very bad taste, i dont mean to hate on skinny bitches, but i dont see what a man would want on a bitch whose rockin ScareCrow chic, WHERES THE MEAT? what is he supposed to hold onto whilst he labouriously inseminates his sperm in her? Anyway, now they are leaving LA after failing to achieve whatever they set out to do there and are going to Europe again, by the time their kids are 13 they'll be able to speak more languages than was being spoken at the Tower of Frickin Babel.

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