Tuesday 2 June 2009

Bleeding Vaginas Heidi Pratt Lady GAGA

Innovation to Rihanna=Dying your hair black, biting Fefe Dobsons style, cutting your hair, dress up in designers whose names you cant pronounce.

Innovation to Ciara= Ciara is such a good.... im sorry- i just cant.

Innovation to Lady Gaga= POP ICON, POP ICON,POP ICON, POP ICON.

Lady Gaga is a fuckin pop legend which is weird because shes only had one album but her work has changed pop for the better, I know its blasphemy to compare anyone to Sasha Fierce but i believe Lady Gaga will do for Avant Garde what Sasha did for Urban Music, COMMERCIALISE THAT HOE. I have stanned for Gaga since last summer when she released JUST DANCE here in the US and her unique vision and general iconic behaviour has been getting me wet in the pup ever since. God bless her parents for knockin boots and conceiving such a dream. puss puss Lady Gaga.
CHECK OUT HER PAPARAZZI VIDEO (Gaga could you please inform the dancer who always has his tongue out that having his tongue at all times is not attractive, it is quite worrying- what if a seagull flew by and decided to take a dump mid-air it would land right on his tongue and then you could say he was talkin shit, (failed joke, yes i know)

Also, im afraid im going to have to throw some shade on Heidi "Does My Artificial Smile Look Artificial In This" Pratt who i adore but come on now girl, dont you see that Monsieur DouceBag is only out for The Fame (available now at all music stores not excluding Itunes, Amazon and Limewire) if Heidi cant see that Spencer only married her to milk out his fifteen minutes she is blind, thats why i never let guys cum in my eye, it fucks up your metaphorical vision. Heidi needs to leave his candy ass and have her own show where she looks for the love of her life whilst subtly promoting the brands that also sponsor the Hills , here are some possible names for the show:

1. The Bachelorette (oh shit, someone already took that)
2. Elimidate (oh fuck, someone got that too)
3. Heidi Hi? (OH MY FUCKIN GOSH- THATS GENIUS- ill be expecting my royalties cheque in the MAIL if you decide to use it in the near or oh so distant future).

I got an email today from a Ms.Anon who wanted to know why her vagina had suddenly started bleeding(sigh) I AM NOT YOUR FUCKIN GYNAECOLOGIST,THE ONLY PUSSIES I AM FAMILIAR WITH ARE OMARION AND CHRIS BROWN, other than that you should not be asking me to explain to you why you are having a period. I remember my first period like it was yesterday (or was it the day before) i thought i was actually becoming a real woman until mother explained that penises are not supposed to bleed.

Also- if you are an unsigned artist and you want FREE promotion, just follow me on twitter www.twitter.com/popslutwhore

I will promote you as long as you promote me, scratch my back and ill scratch yours, you help me i help you, you lick my- well you get the picture.

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