Sunday 19 July 2009

So that's your excuse for being ugly?

"Oh you should see her without her makeup on"
"Girl- she ain't that hot without her weave"
"They can make anybody look like Cinderella in Hollywood"

Go to any school in any major Western City where the ratio of girls with names that end with the suffix- Esha to girls who do not have a name with the suffix-Esha is 5:1 and you'll find a group of people who have convinced themselves that every single female artist of color looks like Ursula without make up and that they're only pretty because of teams of magicians and stylists turn them into covergirls.

For real?

Is that your excuse for being 5 foot nothing and looking like the love child of T-Pain and Ivana Trump?

You see- if artists had some secret that made them turn from the ugly duckling into a Beyonce'- you don't think they would have packaged it up and have Rihanna squirt her CoverGirl juices all over it?
Artists are signed because they are naturally beautiful, we know this because if record labels wanted to sign ugly girls so they could turn them into beautiful megastars- YOU would have a record deal but since you're reading this whilst breastfeeding 9 month old baby Rashambalaqua, we both know that is not the case.

Record labels dont just sign pretty girls- they sign stunning girls- girls you wouldn't usually see walking down the street to make it easier to present the idea that the star is some sort of super-human because the average consumer does not go to school with someone as stunning as Lady Gaga or Jennifer Lopez or dare i say- Keri Hilson.

Every single artist you see was signed because of their natural image AS WELL as other factors which is why you'll find that a lot of new artists are already well known and respected in certain social scenes because of their astounding look.

These hot girls are signed because in a society which judges people according to their physical appearance it make sense to sign hot girls and dudes to sell lots of records (perhaps J.lo and Keri Hilson were bad examples), so when I hear ugly people say shit like "Beyonce' would be so ugly without that wig, she think she's white- thats why the wig is always blonde or light brown- you know she's bald right?" I say the following:

1. Beyonce' is hotter than ten of the hottest girls on the charts put together- so even with out without her lace de la front, she's still shitting on you.

2. You wear a weave- do you look "so ugly" without it?

3. So the color of someone's hair determines the race they want to be?

Listen, what an individual decides to do with their own scalp is their business, but i will say this- everybody and I mean EVERYBODY does shit to enhance their appearance, so i'm not suprised that you are mad that after you permed your shitlocks, cleared your cum stained face, found a way to hide your stretch marks and dropped down three jean sizes- you are mad at Beyonce' for being beautiful naturally.
The girls in the music industry are the girls you hated at school- the girls who looked like they were dressed by a team of stylists before they came to school and made you look like shit even on a bad day, you hate these girls- they made your life hell- any guy you liked wanted to fuck THEM.
THEY are the girls everyone was desperate to sit next to in class.
THEY are the girls who you'd stalk on Myspace to see what party they were at and who they were bumping vaginas with.
And now THEIR music is charting at number 1 on the charts, their face on the cover of magazines and cosmetics you can't afford to buy and that's why you hate them. You know they're beautiful with or without the weaves, the lipgloss, the mascara, the neck, the back, the pussy and the crack and it kills you that there's nothing you can do about it.

That's why you're a hater.
That's why you rush home everyday from school and run onto Bossip in the hope that THEY were caught leaving somewhere without anything on their face so you could feel a little better about yourself.
If you spent a little more time perfecting yourself instead of worrying about what THEY look like then maybe you wouldn't be combing out cobwebs from your pussy hair.

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