Saturday 15 August 2009


It's not your job to decide whether someone is gay or not. That's their job.
You don't go around spreading shit that they someone is gay or not. Get a real job.
And if someone is gay and they're giving you unwanted attention- you have the right to tell that person to fuck off and if they don't fuck off and actually touch you- you then have the right to get physical- because nobody has the right to touch your body without permission.
And if you are gay and don't want to be called gay- that is YOUR choice- however do not be deceiptful and do not use women as your beard unless you know you are going to abstain from homosexual fucking because that isn't fair on your wife.

Two young boys commited suicide because of the stereoptypes enforced in the black media. Two youngs boys commited suicide because some ignorant parents forgot to remind their kids to mind their own fucking business.
At age 11- who knows whether they are gay or not.
Feminine does not equal gay.
If that was the case- down low men wouldn't exist.

The black media help to reinforce the ignorance that exists in the urban community when they suggest that anybody who doesn't wear black and whose clothes dont sag is gay and when they decide that its ok to hurl insults at the little guy who appeared alongside Beyonce' in that ad campaign.
You think anybody chooses to be feminine is such an ignorant society.
You think anybody would choose to be gay when they know what they know what the response would be.
Why would a black man decide to gay- isn't being discriminated because of his skin color enough torture.

I want to know that you are OBSESSED with somebody if you feel the need to scream "faggot" or "queer" to someone everytime you see them, you are OBSESSED with someone if you feel the need to spread rumours about a person whether they are gay or not.

If someone prefers cock to pussy- that is THEIR business.
You don't have to accept it- but you need to respect that person's decision as a human being to live that way.
If a man decides to rock a short skirt, a bikini and a The Beyonce Experience Gingery Brown lacefront and you don't like it- DON'T LOOK AT HIM. He didn't ask you to wear it with him.

Mind your business and worry about your life, instead of analysing what's wrong with somebody elses.

You may be wondering why The Pop Whore is getting all preacher on your ass- well I'll explain.
Yesterday- a dear friend of mine told me that they were gay and that their family knew about it because a family friend had seen him kissing another guy outside of his workplace.

So first of all- because I know that family "friend" reads this blog, I want you to know this:
1. Shut your fucking mouth.
2. Mind your fucking business.
3. Pay me back my fucking money from when I bought your son Baby Jamz for Christmas (I don't care if it was a gift- hand over the cash or your candy ass gets it.)

My friend then explained that when he got home from work, his entire family including his older uncles began to interrogate him, asking him how many guys he had fucked, if he had crushes on anybody and basically trying to embarrasing you and so my friend called me knowing that I wouldn't judge or ask questions, because he is my friend and I knew him before I knew myself- and him being gay doesnt change the fact that he has been supportive of me since the day I decided to start turning tricks at the senior citizens centre.

My friend is masculine.
He plays ball.
Fucks girls. Date Girls.
We even fucked once.
And he was gay.
Feminine does not equal gay.
If that was the case- down low men wouldn't exist.

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