Monday 18 January 2010

The Devil Made Me Do it- Celebrities and the Illuminati

For as long as I can remember, music has been the devil.

In the choir, when I decided to use the ad lib that Beyonce' did at the end of Bootylicious in my solo, I was called the devil.

When I told my mother I was going to see Milli Vanilli on their Out of Synch Tour, I was called the devil and when my dad walked in on me dry humping my Sade poster, she was called the devil.

And recently, the devil has been doing all sorts of twists, twirls and turns on the lips of everyone who knows how to type into their web bar. Some pretty intelligent people have used and are using youtube to expose the devil imagery that exists in the demonic videos of stars like Beyonce' and the like. These intelligent people have seen the light and have seen these devil worshipping stars for what they really are, part of a secret devil worshipping society that uses their music to glorify Satan himself (clutches pearls)

These devil worshippers thought that nobody would clock their tea, they thought they could lace our drinks with laxatives and think we wouldnt shit, they thought they could give us quasedillas when we clearly asked for lasagne (how u durin Qaadir?). They thought NOBODY would find out about their secret.





Well homie thats a- that's a funny word- what did you say? secret? Did you say secret society nigger?

Just a thought- if this society is so secret how do you know about it?

I mean- if this society is bumping vaginas with the devil I'm sure their asses can keep a secret?

If this society is knocking boots with evil you don't think they'd be a little more subtle.?

Isn't it strange how only urban artists are being accused of being part of this society?

All burning questions, so I'm going to clock this tea and for those of you who take your tea sweet, sugary and creamy you can take your asses over to MediaTakeOut, we don't hold our tongues here.

The reason it is Beyonce' and not RHCP being accused of being devil worshippers is because the people who accuse Beyonce' of giving her spice rack up to Lucifer don't know who the RHCP's are. You see- it's difficult to accuse someone of something if you know very little about that person but very easy to accuse someone of something when you have ample reference points.

The reason you never hear Alicia "Cum Guzzling Husband Snatching Dick Riding Nut Sucking Piano Playing Acne Ridden" Keys being called a she-devil is because her music videos have very few concepts which leaves little room for re-intepretation.

Alicia walks to Piano. Alicia plays Piano. Alicia Sings Into Mic. Alicia Nods. Alicia Gets Up. Alicia Leaves.

But when you're Rihanna and your ass really wants to impress your fans with your videos (say what you want about Ms.Fenty- but her videos aint never lied) you are going to provide a series of big concepts, imagery and cultural referencing which people can easily interpret to fit their own mind set.
What has happened is that artists of today have become so lazy that fans are suprised when an artist actually puts effort and time into concepts people think there's always another motive.
"Lady Gaga just a fake ass attention seeker."
"Rihanna just has big budget videos cos if she didnt we'd be forced to pay attention to her voice"- (this is actually true.)
"Fuck a Sasha Fierce- Beyonce' is possessed by none other than the demon Beyeezecreole"

And when you a rapper and you reference something that ig'nant people have never heard of before, the same shit may occur.

"Uh Uh ain't nobody fresher
I'm in Maison- uh Martin Margiela"

Maybe if Mr.Camel had said "Im in Baby Phat- but Rocawear is better" perhaps you would have understood. Mr. Camel being the crazy old fox he is decided to say the word "Maison" because he knew how wet you'd get up in the pup.

Gandreanataquaelonah: he said Mason! As in Free Mason! I told y'all!
Gynaceoloistivagistana-(isha): Gurr- thats the last time I listen to his ass again- from now I'm sticking to Michael Jackson- he ain't never did nuthin wrong.

Maison means house in French, I'm sure Celestine taught Jigga that word.
Maison is spelt M.A.I.S.O.N.
I don't blame you for being ignorant- you were too busy analyzing the suspicious circumstances surrounding Beyonce's lacefront wig to pay attention in class.

You see, if these people were in the business of working the devil to manipulate our minds you don't think they'd find a better way of doing it. You don't think they'd find a way of doing it without us noticing. It's strange that when people accuse a certain deceased pervert of being paedophile everyone wants to catch feelings EVEN THOUGH he was accused twice and he admitted that "there's nothing wrong with sleeping with boys" but when people decide one day that a few black artists who are actually achieving shit all take vacations in the underworld everyone believes it without questioning it.

Maybe it's the black communities seemingly suicidal contempt for anything black and succesful which is the cause for this bullshit, after all I haven't heard anybody accusing Keri Hilson or Ciara of that shit.
I am sure that devil worshipping within the music industry does exist as it does all around the world but just because you don't like an artist doesn't mean they're riding on Lucifer's dick.

For those of you who now think that I am a devil worshipper and have been paid (in 100 dollar bills) by someone to post this post as a way to make the rumours look like a big ole piece of monkeydoodle foolishness, then please feel free to hitch up your tetas and drop me an email.

And for those of you who are running out of Beyonce' videos to annotate, darken and tint with red ,please accept this humble gift:



Sunday 17 January 2010


Now you hoes know my hustle. You know that I was raised according the Joe Jackson way, abuse now- manipulate later. So you know that I had to fuck the security guard at Walmart, suck the managers dick and let the cashier cum in my ear just to get this interview with Ms.Keri Wilson.
Ms.Wilson and I met up at her swanky pad (the apartement on top of her local Wendy's) to discuss life, love and lubrication.

1. What is the name of your debut album?
Ms Wilson: I AM KERI HILSON..... THE FAME MONSTER IN A PERFECT WORLD. Located at your local drug dealer or dollar store. It's going to change the world just like my sisters Mushroom Cut.

2. If your vagina had a nickname, what wouldn't it be and why not?
Ms.Wilson: Sweet Moist and Juicy..... cos its not point blank.

3. When was the last time you saw your sister, Keril Hilson?

Ms.Wilson: Last week at Target during her day shift. (Sips champagne)

4. When was the last time you were involved in a drive by?

Ms.Wilson: Not since the Tupac shooting.

5. What is your album release date- all of 6 of them.

Ms.Wilson: Well I have one album out that was released on December 12th 2009. Hopefully my label "Wiggy Inc" won't do an Ashanti on me and drop me so i can make 6 more albums.

6. Your sister is hated by Sasha Supremacists, what is your view of Creolentricity?

Ms.Wilson: (sighs) Well I have no clue why they hate my sister, I mean BET which is like the best network ever crowned her a "Rising Icon", so she could get some kind of respect. Stop tweeting her shit like "You dance like Elvis on a pound of crack" or "You're only famous because you sucked Weezy, Neyo, and Kanye's dick to get on your wack azz track" JUST FUCKIN STOP IT (flips wig and leaves interview.)

Saturday 16 January 2010

The League of Unextraordinary R'n'b Skeezes

Janet: All rise!

Jennifer Hudson: Did you say rice?

Janet: I'd like to thank everyone forcoming to this meeting tonight- I know there was heavy snow.

Mary J.Blige : Yes- what is this about Janet- because if this is about those quesadillas that went missing- it wasn't me.

Janet: No no silly- this is about something more serious, we have to introduce two new members to our secret society tonight, they're on their way, before they comeis there anything anyone would like to discuss.

Mya: Yes- there is something.

Janet: What is it?

Mya: Why is it that I was even invited to this meeting?, I dance on one of the country's most popular shows- I am no longer unextraordinary and how would you know that I'm R'n'b when people are too busy laughing at my music to even listen to it. (Ciara turns to Janet)

Janet: (sigh) Mya- just because your shit is covered in gold doesnt change the fact that its shit- Dancing With The Stars was MADE for unextraordinary R'n'b skeezes like us- you think white folk are going to care about you just because they applaud when you shake your little pancake ass around some shiny ass stage. Whitefolk are too busy wondering how Tyra Banks hair grows so fast to care about some short latin bitch who couldnt sell explosives to an Arab. Anybody else got something they need to gets off their chest?

Mary J: You don't think we should be discussing the tragedy that just occured?

Ciara: But my new album isn't even out yet?

Janet: She's talking about Haiti.

Mary J: You don't think we can take advantage of it?

Ciara: How you mean?

Mary J: What if we went to Haiti and set up our own show there- the people would pay us to perform.

Ashanti: Now why would they do that- their lives have been ruined.

Mary J: They'll pay because we'll convince them that we are the Beyonce's of the Western World, they've been too busy sacrificing they children to know any different. If we penetrate poor markets we could slowly dominate them.

Ciara: Still not following you.

MaryJ: Why is that Creole whore so succesful, because her entire career is based on raw capitalism- survival of the fittest and what's the opposite of capitalism- it's communism which accepts anything mediocore (they all look around and nod) if we do to poor communist nations like that bitch did to wealthy capitalist nations we'll be back in business.

Ashanti: You a genius-but didn't Kelly already try that.

Mary J: Shut the fuck up Sheqoiya- Kelly didn't try shit.

Janet: I like your plan Mary- but none of us speak communist. (Mary sighs.- there is a knock on the door.)

Ciara: Nobody's home!

Janet: Who is it? Yell out the secret code.

Michelle Williams: BET SPECIAL.

Janet: Come in. (Michelle enters, Ashanti rolls eyes, Ciara kisses her teeth, Jennifer Hudson eats cake) Please welcome our latest member, Michelle.

Mary: Well well well how unexpected.

Michelle: Hello to you too Mary- I've left Mathew. (They all cheer.)

Mya: How did you finally come to that decision?

Michelle: I was going to leave when Farrah left but Solange had pictures of me that I'd rather not get out so I stayed but the final straw for me was the BET Awards- what was SUPPOSED to be our final performance, Beyonce' got to grind on the sexy ass guy, Kelly got to grind on Nelly (Ashanti grunts) but I had to grind on the guy with HIV.

Janet: Sorry to cut you Michelle but didnt you say you were bringing Kelly.

Michelle: She's in Europe:

Ciara: Well girl- I hope you didn't think the grass would be greener away from Mathew- he isn't the cause of your problems- if he was then we'd all be managed by him too.

Michelle: Sorry?

Ciara: It's in MusicWorld's interests to have as many succesful artists as possible so that they earn a higher percentage out of everything that their artists are paid for. Mathew WISHES you endorsed L'oreal, Pepsi, Tommy Hilfiger and all that jazz then he'd make money from ALL of you, Mathew WISHES he didnt have to come up with excuses for your flop records everytime Columbia wanted answers.

Janet: What are you saying?

Ciara: I'm saying that it's time we took control of our own careers instead of blaming everyone and they mama for our own shit- I mean just look at Letoya- her album release date was pushed back 6 years yet her shit is still on point. I think it's time I left this secret society and started working on a record that people will listen to without thinking of tearing out their eardrums.

Janet:Thengoonwitchobadseyelf but dont come running back when your label drops to sign some new bitch who looks like she only finished breastfeeding an hour ago.

Ciara: I will. (Ciara rises and proceeds to leave) I'll stop by tommorow to pick up the rest of my shit. (Ciara leaves.)

Janet: Anyone else wanna follow her? (nothing is said) I was going to wait till the end of the meeting for this- but i might as well do it now. The league of unextraordinary skeezes has a new anthem which embodies are thirst for all things unsuccesful, here are the lyrics, love them, learn them, live them:

I know you want the licky licky
Tell me you want the licky licky
You can't deny the licky licky
I know just what you like.

Saturday 9 January 2010

Did you really want to know where the blog girls were at?

Hello motherfuckers, c'est moi.
I know it's been a minute, but I was kidnapped by every single one of Ciara's fan and they forced me to engage in a foursome so after MediaTakeOut paid my ransom fee in exchange for some interesting stories I have spent the Christmas and New Year recovering in a place I like to call home (Youtube.)
Now for me Youtube is a very powerful tool for the publicists of hasbeen Havanah's like Ashanti who post comments like "Top that Beyaki!" in the comment board underneath the video of Ashanti performing Aww Baby at her fat sister's house party(no such video exists- Ashanti's sister's fingers were too fat to press record.)

Youtube also allows us to hear an entire album without buying it and so since I don't like wasting my money,I decided to listen to Rated R.

To begin with, I forced myself to like the record in fear of being labelled a "hating ass Sasha Supremacist" and then just as I was about to steal $10 from my Grandmother's purse to go and buy it, a Rihanna interview came on and reality set in. The album is only good when you forget that Rihanna is singing/neighing it.

In Rihanna's interview she tried her best to present herself as an artist who had taken a risk with this record, an artist who had a deep connection with the lyrics and greater understanding of what Rated R meant for her. Yet what Rihanna forgot was that we know none of the concepts on the record were created by her and that we all know she's too stupid to actually understand why her writers have written an album like this for her.

Since 2007, Rihanna has been on a mission to prove to the world that she's a "tough ass chick" sort of like a high fashion Pink and with Good Girl Gone Bad's intensly catchy singles even if you weren't convinced by Rihanna's contrived imageyou couldn't help but love the songs.On this record, her writers and producers have tried to create an album to be the soundtrack to Rihanna's image.

The only problem is that Rihanna is not a convincing artist and even intellectual well written songs like Cold Case Love do nothing to move the spirit. On G4L Rihanna tries her best to sound as though she is a gully bitch, like she has a razor in her purse and a rifle in her cooch. The only problem with that is that we know Rihanna isn't a bad bitch, not because she got beat up but because of the way she handled getting beat up. Waiting only to discuss the "incident" with Diane Sawyer when Rated R was coming out to use the publicity surrounding the interview to promote an album which refused to give her a number 1 single. Think about it, how many artists do you stan for talk with Diane Sawyer to promote their record- Rihanna was not concerned with telling her story but more concerned with trying to make us believe that she was an honest, truthful "don't give a fuck" type of girl.

In the song Hard, Rihanna calls hating ass bitches like me out not realizing that it's hating ass bitches like me that spent more time promoting her record than her label could afford to. Rihanna- being the immature whore that she is still has not recognized the last year MediaTake Out was her biggest form of promotion and that BlogGirls like me have a big influence on the way people perceive what artists do. Why do you think Michelle Williams panders to the Skorpion Show or Mariah Carey suddenly has an interest in BScott, they are protecting themselves against being called out by developing personal relationships with the influence leaders like Youtubers and bloggers.
Calling out blogs for discussing the shit that YOUR publicists put out is stupid and ignorant and proof of how even after millions are spent on promotion, packaging and preparing an artist, if the product itself is stupid people won't buy it and with three radio singles, not 1 number 1 and a record that slid down the charts quicker than a fingerless chimpanzee trying to climb a stripper pole that is exactly the case with Rated R.

Rihanna- your tea has been clocked.