Friday 18 September 2009

Stupid Shit Part Trois

If your face looks as though it is an eight sided shape, you should have stayed home.
If you look like Bow Wow after getting the hook up at Hotel Sew-Wanda, you should have stayed home.
And if you look as though you got your outfit from the 69 cence store, you should have stayed on twitter.
I didnt blog about this straight away because I didn't know how, I was so shocked, and as I get older I've noticed that like Beyonce' when I'm shocked I really dont know how to act and do this weird thing where it looks like my mouth is attacking my cheeks.

What posessed that munchkin to jump on stage with art personified (Jay Z) and Homewrecker Director (Alicia) is beyond me. Where the fuck was Julius? Where the fuck was any security, what if it had been Mashonda who ran up on the stage and smashed her son's glass baby bottle across Alicia's pretty little biracial head.

These kids ain't go no respect.
"I was fillin da moment ya-no cos dis i new yawk- im fram new yawk and so like i was fillin da moment and had to get on da stage."
You octagon faced fool.
You short and stupid whore.
You flop.
The last thing you released was a Direct Message and you think you have the right to jump on stage with legends.
The worst thing was that Jay actually tried his best to push her off by first tapping her and then getting real close to Alicia (back the fuck up) to show the audience that the only two people that should have been on that stage where he and Alicia.

If it had been Rihanna- I would have been like oh hell to the motherfucking yeah- if it had been Beyonce' I would have jizzed in my pants- if it had been Blu Cantrell I would have drawn for my shank.
To me- Lil Mama's actions only prove how even the most unsuccesful of "artists" can be delusional.
Delusion tells you that wearing some cheap ass pink loin cloth as a top is normal. Stupid whore.
Delusion tells you that anybody who thinks what you did was stupid is "hater."

Nobody has time to hate you because there is nothing to hate with your unsuccesful ass. Stupid whore.
Aren't you worried you haven't released a record since 2007- aren't you concerned that your face looks like it could break the ice.

Monday 14 September 2009

Team Taylor

"And the award goes to...."

Celestine pops open the champagne, Mathew writes Nava a cheque, Juelz starts Jerking out, Mary J hands in her notice.

"Taylor Swift."

I'm actually not suprised that Taylor Swift beat Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Katy Perry and Pink to the award after all Taylor is the best performer out of all of them, she is the most talented and innovative and to be honest- i think that Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Katy Perry and Pink are simply carbon copies of the bright eyed blonde haired formula that labels have been manufacturing since they saw how it worked for Britney.

What does Kanye know about music videos anyway? How DARE he claim Single Ladies was one of the best videos of all time- didn't he see Taylor's video, didn't he see the care, thought and attention given to Taylor's splendiferous vocals and performance.

Taylor you did indeed deserve that award over Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Pink and Katy Perry. Kanye's just jealous because he wishes he was a blonde haired country music singing mechanical dummy like you are- Beyonce' is just another untalented bitch who hates you for being more talented than she is.

Thankyou MTV for showing those dumb Beyonce' fans that just because a woman spends a decade tearing up stages, singing live and putting on a show doesnt mean she deserves to win anything.
Thankyou very much to Kanye West who totally made a fool of himself by claiming Single Ladies deserved to win the award for Best Female Video.
Can't wait to see Britney perform next year!!!!

Saturday 12 September 2009


Just because the livest audience anywhere scream when you make an appearance on 106 and Park does not mean you are relevant to anything.
Just because you get 100 followers a day on Twitter doesn't mean you are relevant to anything.
And just because the people you role with have been able to convince you that Neyo hasn't taken your seat on the R'n'b Thug train does mean you are relevant to anything.

Getting fucked in the mouth by a geri curled oompaloompa can fuck with a niggers head, I don't blame you trying to come at me on twitter Marques- I mean i'd be mad too if my last few records sold less units than Semenya could sell cosmetics.
I'm sure that you're a great person but if you really can't see that you are indeed irrelevant then it just proves how delusional even F-Listers like you can be. To put things into perspective for you I've put together a game.

Jay Z
Lady Gaga
Lil Wayne
Kelly Rowland
50 Cent
Kanye West
Bow Wow
Britney Spears
Whitney Houston
Marques Houston

I'd like you to arrange all of these artists in order of relevance with the most relevant being at the top and the least relevant right at the bottom. If you're not too busy washing Chris' cum off your tongue- Id appreciate it if you could DM your list via Twitter.

Monday 7 September 2009

Oprah come get this ba'y

"Do you remember beating up Rihanna?"
"Erm- like I never been vah-lent before- y'nawaddamean."
"How do you feel when you see that picture of her?".
"Like i wasn't sure if it was altered- it was like"

I would say dumb nigger but I spend all my time trying to prove to people how stupid it is for black people to call each other nigger's and then turn around and say how much they are against slavery but in this case i'm going to have to let Uncle Tom out. Dumb Nigger.

Dumb niggers can't tell when they are being patronized.
Dumb niggers bring their lawyers onto Larry King because they can't answer questions about shit that THEY did.
Dumb niggers find a way to incorporate 90210 into their vocab when discussing domestic abuse, "It was"

Yes it was like wow when you thumped, jumped and discombumbed Rihanna and her covergirl face and though there is no excuse for a man or boy to hit a woman, there is no denying the fact that when a bitch signs up to fuck with a dumb nigger that is what she is asking for.
His speech or lack of it would be enough to put any intelligent woman off, either his tongue is too big for his mouth or they didn't teach grammar in his school because that dumb nigger couldn't put a sentence together even if the words were dipped in glue.

His mother is another joke shedding her crocodile tears and talking about how she has no idea where he got the urge to beat, bite, kick and punch women from. Take a look in the family portrait you dumb bitch- it's clear to see that he was taking notes from that woman beater you once called a boyfriend. Dumb nigger.

And Chris is not the only person at fault here. All those celebrities who could have said something but didn't are just as bad as he is.

Beyonce- sitting, smiling and nodding on Larry King when asked about it just isn't good enough. You are THE MOST POWERFUL Icon of our time and there are a lot of dumb kids out there who don't have older brothers and sisters to preach the importance of being anti-domestic abuse that need Powerful Icons like you to enforce how wrong it is to be violent. If you're always talking about female empowerement what would have been more empowering for women if they saw Beyonce' openly supporting and defending her husband's employee.

Rihanna was hiyaahhed, kazaamed, and rastalombombarded and nobody- not even someone as intelligent or as outspoken as Alicia Keys said anything to speak out against the sickening nature of her attack. When I think of how frightening it must have been for Rihanna to be under those merciless sucker punches it makes me cry, she must have thought she was auditioning for What's Love Got To Do With It Part Deux.

This only proves my point about the importance of having constant discussions with younger members of your family to enforce a sense of self confidence into them so that they 1.stay away from dumb niggers and 2. they react in a responsible way if they are K.O'd by a dumb nigger.

It is not the job of dumb niggers in the mainstream to raise our kids but in a society where contrived images seep through the most unsuspecting mediums it is important to remind our children of what is right and what is wrong just in case the people we expec to speak out against what is wrong are too afraid to.

Thursday 3 September 2009

Where my money at Micky?

After working her way through a KingSized Box of Kleenex's on E! Mrs. Aguilera decided to hop up on the PopWhore's satirical lap and have a one to one on love, sex and marriage.

PW: So the last time you were number 1 was when you were helping Mya and Pink spread some Lady Marmalade all over your toast, what have you achieved since then?

Baby Jane: I got married and had a son.

PW: So you basically got fucked, that's all you really did. Anyways- so what are your thoughts on Britney's current state in the industry.

BJ: It's no suprise, those fuckers were stupid when I came out and stupid now- only stupid people would pay to see someone drag their camel toe around stage lip synching repetitive and stupid lyrics, so fuck Britney- that's how I feel about that slut.

PW: I agree.

BJ: You do?

PW: Oh yes, she is indeed the original Pop Culture whore, Pop Culture uses her as a poster child for anything it wants to, success or a melt down, beauty and then ugliness. Pop Culture fucked Britney so hard that she still hasn't caught her breath which is why singing live is virtually impossible for her to do and since she is sucking Pop Culture's dick Pop Culture sees no problem with discriminating against artists who actually do their job in favour of Britney who hasn't actually promoted a record since her toxic was running under.

BJ: And what am I?

PW: You're the whore that isn't actually a whore because nobody ever comes to you for shit, Pop Culture never wanted you but you forced your way and have been forced to accept the fact that you will always be the last resort, for example-the only time an award show organiser would call you to perform in 2005 was if Beyonce' is too pretending to be impressed by the artists that her husband keeps signing and Britney was too busy figuring out how holding notes worked.
Today- the only time an award show organiser would call you up is if Beyonce' is too busy draining millions out of her disciples on tour and if Britney was too busy trying to figure out how holding notes worked and if Rihanna was too busy thinking about what to wear to that award show and if Lady Gaga was too busy writing a thesis on Pop Culture Pussy to perform on the show.

BJ: How dare you?! I'm a fucking legend, I've been around for more than a decade, everyone knows my name and everyone is scared of me.

PW: Like HIV. You don't automatically become an Icon or a living legend the second the tenth anniversary of your first number 1 comes around, turning into an Icon means you are iconic of the time your art exists in.
Per example, even if the only video Michael Jackson ever released was Smooth Criminal, he would still be an icon because that video symbolised every single aspect of his creative genius which then became iconic of the time that he existed in, in the same way Lady Gaga is iconic because of her domination and her succesful exposure of Avant-Garde High Brow Pop Music.
Beyonce' is an Icon because she leads and revolutionises the way in which we as consumers view Contemporary Pop Music and performance style. Like Janet Jackson you will never be/are no longer an Icon because you stopped/never were iconic of your time. Like Janet Jackson your foolish pride is the reason you can't announce a new release without being heckled at.
Janet is no longer an Icon because she was only an Icon because her music meant something, when it stopped meaning shit so did she and her fans alongside mainstream media abandoned her. Because Janet Jackson hasn't got any notable talent such a good singing voice, it became impossible for her to do anything about her being blacklisted because the only thing she was good for was dancing and since nobody was giving her stages to dance on- she simply became an expiring has been artist who we really should have ignored the second the new millenium arrived.
You on the other hand can sing, but so can a lot of artists, you've never gone on a tour which people foam at the mouth about, you've never released an MTV video (see definition at end of post), you've never even given a performance which your fans can reference when in an argument with over zealous Mariah fans. You're just a joke.

BJ: I don't give a fuck what you say- and those other artists you mentioned like Lady Gaga can go eat a pussy- i don't even know who that is.

PW: When you said that around this time last year you cemented the idea in everyone's minds that you will never be recognised as an Icon. The largest consumers of popular music are teenagers, if it was OAPS it would be your grandmother and not Rihanna on the cover of Rolling Stone. When you say that you don't know who an artist who is extremely popular with teenagers is all you are doing is confirming that you are out of touch with everything which then makes you unattractive and then means that your fan base will simply age without being rejuvanted by a injection of younger fans. You bit Lady Gaga's style because when she first came out in the US The Fame was a commercial failure and so you and your team of overweight stylists thought that Lady Gaga would simply remain an underground artist who you could rip and tear off when you felt like it, little did you know that an international audience would propel Lady Gaga into US Pop Culture which resulted in higher sales and bigger singles which flaunted off her individual style which then made it apparent that your dusty was indeed a swagger thief.

BJ: I'm gonna go, I've got studio time to waste.

PW: I hope you learn't something from today.

BJ: Go suck on a spiced foreskin.

MTV Video: Single Video or series of Videos released by an artist or band which are of a memorable and iconic nature worthy of MTV respect as MTV is the official home of all music videos ( being the younger, sexier, cheaper alternative.)

"That new U2 Video is such an MTV Video."
"I'm kinda mad that Lady Gaga's Paparazzi got leaked on the internet- that video is such a MTV Video it deserved its own premiere."

Tuesday 1 September 2009

Can we black it up please?

Tyra Banks.
Good Samaritan.
Owner of a shoulder to cry on.
President of The Knowles De La Familia Fan Club.
Condescending double standard promoting bitch.

I love me some Tyra Banks, I really do- in fact Tyra Banks is one of the most important figures in the world because she shows that not all black women look and act the same and that for every ghetto finger pointing hoodrat competing for "love" on VH1 there is a proffesional well spoken lady proving that black is a shade not a lifestyle.
But I can't help but be mad at Tyra, I wish I could leave Tyra's pussy to be great, but I can't because then I'd be a hypocrite, I mock everyone else for promoting double standards and then try and turn a blind eye to Tyra who is guilty of most double standards.

Like Beyonce, Tyra often plays a game where she will "street it up" when she needs to appear down with the kids and appear to be more "stereotypically black." It's why Beyonce' will intentionally incorporate slang words into her vocab when appearing on 106&Park and its why Tyra Banks said "Kiss my fat BLACK ass."

What has you being black got to do with you not being able to control your weight?

Tyra Banks said "BLACK ass" because she was playing the race card, what she was actually saying was, "If you laugh at me because I look like a beached lace fronted whale you're actually laughing at black people because most of my fellow black mamas have curves, right?".
No Tyra- you only said black because it was the pussy way out.

You being black has got nothing to do with you putting on weight and I'm so fucking tired of black women being perceived as the "mamas".

That racial stereotype of the black woman being a"mama" comes from when the most maternal black women would be in charge of raising the white chi'ren on the mas'ers plantation, now it is exploited so all big black women in film and tv have to be maternal, warm, loving and smiling, "come here cha- mama's here now cha."

Tyra Banks also puts on her "mama" act when on ANTM, she is given the authority to yell and embarass girls because "when my mama shouts at me like this it's because she cares." Shut the fuck up- you were mad at Tiffany because she didn't cry when YOU kicked her off the show and since you get kicks out of watching other people cry it pissed you off that she didn't.
Tyra Banks for some reason is under the impression that she also has the right to act the mediator in situations that do not involve her, like when she had the bitches from Bad Girls Club on the show.
She has succesfully manipulated various racial stereotypes to present herself a scolding/loving mama when all she actually does is embarass them when they do not react in the way that she wants them to.

She is also guilty of double standards when she joked and laughed with Ray J about the sex tape even though he admitted that it was HIS idea but then gave Kim Kardashian a hard time about the same tape.
Aren't you always talking about female empowerment?
Vrai or Faux?
Tyra Banks did not realize that she was saying "its ok for a guy but not for a girl" when she grilled Kim about why and how she did the sex tape but then discussed penis sizes with Ray J.
Like I always say, if Tyra Banks is REALLY concerned with loose women why doesn't she get Alicia Keys on the show.

When it comes to Beyonce', her "mama" antics came to a head when she only decided to mention that her father had to be escorted to school when he was younger due to racism when she needed a reason to support Obama in the election. Although I'm sure Beyonce' cared very deeply about Obama's cause, she was not able to give a clear reason as to why she was supporting Obama.
"He's so intelligent" doesn't mean shit.
Hitler was intelligent.
Saddam Hussein was intelligent.
George Bush is int-

Mariah is another perpetrator, only announcing that her daddy was chacklet when it was deemed as being cool to be black with emergence of Boyz 2 Men and Aaliyah.

Now I am very aware of the importance of women like Beyonce' and Tyra Banks in pop culture as they prove alongside Naomi and Oprah that not all women of color come from the same background or have the same views or even share the same culture, but it is very annoying when negative racial stereotypes are used to enhance or "sweeten" their own personal image.

You may accuse me of black female bashing, but I think black people as a culture have come far enough without us all having to constantly compliment each other just in case mainstream media forgets to.
And Yes Tyra Banks existance is crucial to the image of black women in pop culture but until we stop expecting every single black women we see to be the comforting sweet mama or the ghetto uneducated slut we will forever be stuck in boxes.

When it comes to BET, they are a joke.
"This song is too pop".
To suggest that a song is "too pop" for BET only promotes the idea that the only genre of music black artists should be doing is "R'n'b," when we know for a fact that the majority of these "r'n'b" stars haven't released an "r'n'b" single a day in their fabricated careers. How would BET feel if MTV decided that Keisha Cole was too "r'n'b" for them, there would be an uproar.
Although there was once a time where being black worked to ones disavdantage, it seems as though people are exploiting their "blackness" to avoid taking responsibility for their actions.