Monday 14 December 2009

I take my coffee black- like my men

Sometimes when I'm alone in my apartement I find myself having debates with myself. The other night myself and I debated whether people with multiple personalities should be sectioned and institutionalised and myself and I resolved the debate by simply putting on 106 and Park and watching Terrence and Rocsi pretend to like the shit they interview. Then I saw Nicki Minaj.

Now I tried for some time to avoid the hype surrounding her and then I realized something- people like me are always dogging on people like Ciara and Kelly Rowland for not being good enough or not trying hard enough to "put their name" out there and so it was hypcrotical for me NOT to give this Minaj character a look and a listen.

So I Youtubed her and watched a couple of interviews and came to a conclusion which my dear friends at the WigCrypt had come to many years ago.
In this world if YOU want something YOU need to get up and GO get IT.

I realized whilst studying Minaj that this bitch has DEFINED WHO SHE IS. I'm sure there are 100s of bitches on Twitter who can spit harder than Alicia after sucking the tip of that married man's love pistol but there's a reason it's Nicky Minaj whose on everyone's lips. When I began to understand her purpose,I understood how phenomenal she actually is. Here is a black girl from Brooklyn referencing Japanese street fashion and forcing a culture which is ignorant to anything which doesn't sag low to pay attention.

THAT's how you get people's attention.
You dont say "Im not getting anywhere cos im dark skin" or "if i was slimmer i'd be where Beyonce' is," get up and do something about it. If you want to prove that dark skin is just as beautiful as light skin then you need to come up with a gimmic to exploit that. Too many people use stereotypes when it suits them and get mad when stereotypes do not work to their advantage.

"Black Girls have bigger butts than girls from all other races." Correct.
"Black Girls are rude, obnoxious and hate on white girls." FUCK YOU MEAN.

If you allow yourself to be grouped into stereotypical segmentations, do not be suprised when those stereotypes work to your disadvantage.

"Are you sure you want to hire the black girl- she looked pretty rude."
"Are you sure you want to give the blonde the mangerial positition- she probably sucked, fucked and timmytucked her way to this company- let the man have it."

The reason I am doing this post is because I have a lot of debates regarding the media's unfair portrayal of black women in society.
It seems to me that what black means to the Media isn't what black means to black people. As much as I love the variations that black people have, European Creole, African, African American, Coolie it seems to me that the only representation that is perceived to be beautiful is this one:

Tyra Banks isn't any less blacker because her "hair" is fair and her eyes are green but what's a chocolate skinned mami to do when she feels that her beauty will never be respected. What's she to do when the world won't call her beautiful like they do to her fairer counterparts.

Stop wanting to be called beautiful.
Stop expecting your beauty to be respected.
Acknowledge on your beauty, acknowledge your own skin color and acknowledge your own hair type because this is the body God gave you and it's the body you are going to die with. You can put plastic in your nose but itll biodegrade in the grave and you can put relaxer in your but that won't make it rain-proof.
Bitches who acknowledge their beauty get further because they know that looks can only get you so far.
For example:

If being conventionally beautiful was the answer to everything then Princess Super C wouldn't be handing in her resumee at Sears right now. It's the weird looking bitch whose an icon one year after debutin and it's the weird looking bitch that everyone respects because that weird looking bitch knows what she's about and defined her own beauty instead of depending on Janet Jackson and Aaliyah to do it for her.
That's why I officially fucks with this Minaj character- instead of doing what Lil Kim and Foxxy did, she is going to do with what Nicki Minaj needs to do to make sure she's the one that we're all talking about and respect. That's how you get your name out there- it's how you promote yourself and it's how you make sure that even after 12 years of being signed people don't have a reason to respect anything you've done in your OWN right:

Monday 7 December 2009

Grrrr Baby Grrrrr

Since my little vacation to an Island in the sun, I haven't had time to blog- yes call me whatchu want I have time to tweet but no time to blog, sue me.
However, this incident was making spirits do all kinds of dips, flips and samurai kicks when I heard about it.
To begin with I'd like to say that violence is not gender specific, a woman beating a man is just as bad as a man beating a woman, although the outcome will always be different its just as bad.

When I heard that Tiger Wood's wife may have gone Glenn Close on his ass for dickdowning some other bitches I just had to applaud and called on the spirit of Pepper Labeija to send me a hiss so wicked that even Neyo would have to step back.
When someone gets married-that person dedicates their entire being and existance to that person, they dedicate their time to that person and share aspects of their soul with that person which may be very hard to.

So when that person betrays you by fucking ANOTHER woman and THEN comes home and eats YOUR cooking and then uses YOUR pussy after he's already had some OTHER pussy I believe this causes for some Celestininity.

Celestininity is the art of making a motherfucker pay for a wrong they have commited by making life as difficult as possible for them http://http//

Only when that person is truly sorry must the Celestiniasation of that person end. The art of Celestininity is not to get your ass in trouble whilst getting your revenge, this is why Tiger Woods wife isn't all that smart.
You see, when fucking with a rich dude you must learn that the only mouth that speaks is money- hit that motherfucker where it hurts- his account!

What that hoe should have done is told that cheating scoundrel "Looky here- you done cheated on me- you better find a way to cancel our prenuptial agreement OR I will take the kids and drag your name so low even Cassie will start sucking on it."

From Tiger Woods leaked calls to one of his side pieces it is evident that his pussy stinks more than Precious' on a summers day and so the idea of losing his wife and kids would scare him shitless. He would have no choice but to comply http://http// , fucking bastard.

What she shouldnt have done is beat his car with one of his own clubs because that's just rude. What she should have done is hit him with a baseball bat and say "You think I don't know how to play for the other team?".

And when it comes to those cum guzzling, scandalous ass, dick inhaling, anal friendly pussy leasing stretch marked mouthed harlots who want to fuck with a married man- you better thank your lucky stars that it wasn't a black woman who Tiger was married too. I hate racial stereotypes just as much as the next ex KKK member BUT we all know how black girls get down.
If this was a black woman, Shenaysha, Randaqua and Discombombalayniatiarnaqua would have driven by your house by now and shot bullets into your motherfucking window- that's right- they're ghetto and maybe that's what your dirty ass needs to teach you to close your legs to married men.

For those of you who have slept with married men or intend to- here's what I hope DOESN'T happen to you: http://http//

Fucking whores.